Gennodized aluminium ;colour gun metal blue (permanently beautiful)
Knife made of extra hardened, bimetallic steel (64Rc); thickness 1.1mm (not stainless!!)
100% reliable due to chemical and mechanical locking rounding 23m (good steering; certain sales)
Double axled Salomon Pilot binding (extra stable)
Height 5.2 cm including binding (for all types of ice)
Multi positioning system; MPS (all directions adjustable for personal fine tuning)
Weight (incl. binding) 570 grams (L)
4 length sizes: - S (39.5cm) - M (42cm) - L (44.5cm) - XL (47cm)
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Gennodiseerd aluminium ;kleur gun metal blue (blijvend mooi)
Mes van extra gehard, bimetaal staal (64Rc); dikte 1.1mm (niet roestvast!!)
100% betrouwbaar door chemische en mechanische borging ronding 23m (goede sturing; zekere afzet)
Dubbelassige Salomon Pilot binding (extra stabiel)
Hoogte 5,2 cm inclusief binding (voor alle soorten ijs)
Multi positioning system; MPS (alle richtingen verstelbaar voor persoonlijke fine-tuning)
Gewicht (incl. binding) 570 gram (L)
4 lengtematen: - S (39.5cm) - M (42cm) - L (44.5cm) - XL (47cm)
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